Getting The Haskell Cabal

Note: Most people already have Cabal because it is included in the Haskell Platform

If you want to upgrade to the latest stable version, just run:

$ cabal install cabal cabal-install

Sometimes the older installed version is still on the program search $PATH, you can check you’re running the latest version with:

$ cabal --version

Cabal library (version

August 2017: Release

Source download: Cabal-

Please see the User’s guide, the API documentation, and the change log.

cabal-install tool (version

cabal-install is the command line interface to Cabal and hackage. This is the package that provides the ‘cabal’ command line program.

Source download: cabal-install-

Binary downloads

Binaries for cabal-install for many platforms are available on Halcyon.

Packages for Ubuntu Linux (multiple versions) are available on hvr’s PPA.

The source package requires the Cabal package above and also further packages, which can be found on Hackage. To make the process easier the cabal-install tarball contains a script which downloads and installs all the dependencies.


Report bugs here or to the cabal-devel mailing list.


You can get the development version of the code here.

Version Numbers

Stable Releases are numbered a.b.c.d, where b is even. Unstable snapshots between releases are numbered a.b.c.d, where b is odd. Changes for c and d are minor.

For example, 2.1.x.x is the development version leading up to the stable release 2.2.x.x.

Older Releases

The versions bundled with recent Haskell implementation releases include: